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  • Version 5.0
  • Download 373
  • File Size 11.60 MB
  • File Count 1
  • Create Date 15. September 2016
  • Last Updated 15. September 2016

Driver for isCAN USB adapter

Wibu-Key USB-Dongle Treibersoftware
Wibu Runtime Key (WinXP bis Win7 )

Additional informationen
The isCAN Multidriver is a driver for the isCAN USB adapter and the installation is required for the correct performance of the software CANKlima.

  1. Download and unpack the isCan_Multidriver_v5.0.zip Archive.
  2. Execute isCanUSBDriver.exe by double click.
  3. After successful installation plug in the isCAN USB adapter and ensure that it has been detected by USB.
  4. Start the isCAN Driver Configuration via Start->Programs->ifak system->is CAN Multidriver->is CAN Configurator and add the isCAN USB adapter.
  5. Important information for users of older adapters with serial numbers less than 10000: These adapters need an upgrade to work with 64 bit Windows versions. You need to perform this upgrade with a 32 bit version of Windows. Install the driver software on a 32 bit version of Windows, attach the adapter to the PC and start the isCAN Driver Configuration program. This program will detect the old adapter and start the upgrade process automatically.